Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Pen, A Couch, and a Bottle of Tequila

It was a wonderful morning again... we didn't get out of bed till 9 a.m.!! I don't think I'll need a nap today! Sleeping in was the high point of the day... the low point of the day was me getting distracted with packing and Mackenzie finding a ball point pen and coloring on our couch! I googled how to get it out and it said that rubbing alcohol should do the trick... only problem is I packed all of our bathroom contents already and Jake already took that box over to the Lockharts! It said in a pinch, any kind of alcohol would work, and I just happened to find in the way back of a cabinet a bottle of tequila. I tested it on the side of the couch and it didn't eat through the fabric, so I figured what do I have to lose? Sure enough, it worked! I didn't get before and after shots, but I did get one mid way through the job... I was so amazed and relieved! There's our little culprit... still wearing her purple boots too!
The other reason I'm posting today is because I wanted to ask for prayer for Aubrey. She has a heart murmur that should be no big deal, but her pediatrician wants me to get it looked at so we're going to Deborah with her on Monday for an EKG. I'm not that worried about it, but I figured it would be foolish not to ask for prayer! I'm praying that it's nothing and we can walk out of the hospital with no worries. Jake had the same kind of scare when he was a teenager and it turned out to be nothing, so I'm hoping it's kinda the same thing!
And one more prayer request would be that we get the house we put an offer in on last night. It's our fourth attempt at a house, but our Realtors think we have a good shot at this one! It is the most beautiful house we've seen so far and needs no work, we could move right in! We both loved it! I'll keep the updates about our housing situation and Aubrey's heart coming... I just hope we can get our computer working when we get to the Lockhart's on Sat!

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About Me

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I am a sinner saved by grace and I married my best friend, Jake, in May 2005! God has blessed us with three adorable little girls that we get to raise together in a beautiful home in the most charming neighborhood in America! They are a joy to raise and continually make us aware of our need for a Savior! We are thankful the Lord did not leave us in our sin, but sent His Son Jesus to die in our place, bearing the just wrath of God that we deserved, and giving to us Christ's righteousness instead. Through His grace and forgiveness, we now are free to love Him who saved us and to extend the mercy we've been shown to each other. We pray our little ones will come to know Christ and that we will be faithful to proclaim the good news of Jesus to them not only with our words, but with our actions and our interactions with each other. So please enjoy reading about the Moon family, we're so glad you stopped by!