Friday, April 15, 2011

Aubrey's Second Birthday!!

Aubrey's 2nd birthday was celebrated FOUR separate times!! What a loved little girl she is! Our first celebration was with Jamie and Liv and Jayme and Nylah. The girls decorated and ate cupcakes that Jamie brought over... I love that my friend did this for my little girl... Jamie is always so thoughtful towards people (esp. on their birthdays!) And I LOVE that Nylah was here to be a part of our celebration... this little girl is getting knit right into our wonderful group of friends here! Then I made "princess" cupcakes for playgroup. Everyone loved the rings... even the boys were walking around decked out in their treasure! Kenzie made sure Aubrey got the special cupcake with two rings on it "since she is two years old, Mom!"

Aubrey has been blowing us away with her letter recognition... but before you think we have a genius on our hands I should add that she confidently calls the color purple "yellow" and if you ask her, "What color is that?" she'll say, "Triangle," with pride! We are working on it and I think her accuracy has gone from 20% to maybe 50%... so some progress is being made :)

She was so cute when we lit her candles!

She could barely contain her joy!

Notice the ring balanced on her thumb... she is all girl!!

And what is a party with out a three-year-old sister to help you celebrate??

Opening the long-awaited present from Nana and Poppop... the movie "Tangled!"

Just a shot of Aubrey and her sister Lucy :) Hard to believe we'll have an almost 1-year-old this time next year!

What a great dad Jake is! He contently wore the crown Aubrey placed on his head and snuggled on the couch with his girls all night watching "Tangled." Aubrey wasn't feeling well on her actual birthday, so that made her nice and snuggly :)

Then our final celebration was with my side of the family... all 10 of them! So much fun to have Sophie here!! See my mom holding her in this picture!? Jeff and Angie have been such awesome parents! I think it would be nerve racking to take my first born out among sick cousins who love to love on her, but they are totally trusting God and bring her everywhere... along with the hand sanitizer :)

I love Andy's face in this picture! He is such a fun uncle! So nice to have his girlfriend "Miss But-en-ee" join us for this occasion too!
Jeff and Angie gave Aubrey one of those huge balls from Wal-mart and it was the most entertaining part of the evening... they went nuts!!

Kenzie and Memom taking care of their babies.

We came up in between the final four games to sing Happy Birthday and Aubrey promptly seated herself at the head of the table where my dad always sits... like she knew she was the "big deal!"

She loved everyone singing to her!! She felt so special that night!!

Her buddy Sam came over for some cake... so glad they live next door and can pop in and out like that when we are over! (if they can't live next door to us, I'm glad they live next door to my mom so we can see them often!) We dream of them growing up and getting married, but I wonder if they'll grow up more like brother and sisters... Sam and the three sisters he looks out for!

So grateful to God for Aubrey's life! She was the perfect baby to be born in the midst of the chaos of our lives 2 years ago... moving and having no place to go! She slept thru the night at 1 month old. Slept great in our room for the first 5 months of her life...we could even talk and turn the light on and she wouldn't stir. Then she turned 6 months old and her calm personality melted away to reveal a spunky little girl who wasn't going to be left out of anything! She walked before a year old and has been running ever since to keep up with her big sister... and now a days I wonder who is keeping up with who! The girls really have a wonderful friendship, better than I had hoped! They serve each other and play together so well. Aubrey adores her older sister and Kenzie loves being loved, so it works well :) Happy Birthday, Aubrey!! We love you!!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet times,Julie :)And yes, it is hard to believe that this time next year you will have an almost 1 year old Lucy to add to the fun!!!


About Me

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I am a sinner saved by grace and I married my best friend, Jake, in May 2005! God has blessed us with three adorable little girls that we get to raise together in a beautiful home in the most charming neighborhood in America! They are a joy to raise and continually make us aware of our need for a Savior! We are thankful the Lord did not leave us in our sin, but sent His Son Jesus to die in our place, bearing the just wrath of God that we deserved, and giving to us Christ's righteousness instead. Through His grace and forgiveness, we now are free to love Him who saved us and to extend the mercy we've been shown to each other. We pray our little ones will come to know Christ and that we will be faithful to proclaim the good news of Jesus to them not only with our words, but with our actions and our interactions with each other. So please enjoy reading about the Moon family, we're so glad you stopped by!