Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Lot Has Happened... (but no, we still don't have a house!)

So last weekend we officially moved into my parents house! They have a big bedroom in the basement for Jake, Aubrey and me and Mackenzie is claiming dominion over half of the laundry room with her crib, dresser, changing area, books, strollers, and homemade closet (Jake is so creative, he made me a little closet thingy for me to hang her clothes on!) Three days after we moved in we packed up again to go on a wonderful Boettcher family vacation. My dad rented a great house for all of us in the Poconos. The girls and I drove up with my parents and Stephen on Wed. and Jake and Andy joined us Wed. night when they were finished work. The two newly-wed couples came up after work on Thurs. and we had a great time hiking, reading, playing games, watching movies, playing tennis and basketball, and swimming in the pool! The place the house was at was neat, it was a development built around a huge lake and had beaches for swimming, but also had heated pools if you're not into the lake thing. There were deer everywhere and you could get really close to them!! Mackenzie loved that! I'll comment on the following pictures:

Aubrey can officially sit in her Bumbo chair! She felt like quite the belonger joining us at the table for our meals!

Here we are eating breakfast together Wed. morning... not sure where the rest of the family was...
Mackenzie loves reading her "Sista" book (it's about being a big sister!)

She loved "helping" Uncle Andy practice the piano!

Here we are going on a "sister walk"... my mom started that tradition with her two sisters... I'm so blessed that God has given me not only a wonderful sister, but an awesome sister-in-law too! Can you guess which one of us just had a baby?? (Goal #1 of the summer: lose 10 lbs.)

We played a really fun game called "Fish Bowl" (or "Salad Bowl" depending on who you asked!)

Newly-Weds couch!
Wise-Old-Sages' Chair!

And where was Jake while all this fun was happening you ask? Well, he's not really the game type... so he found a nice cozy couch to read on and fell asleep...

That is until the two little brothers that he never wanted found him and jumped on him!

Memom and Mackenzie made us very yummy pancakes for breakfast!

Our last night together before all the couples hit the road and left mom and dad with all the laundry and dishes!!

It was a wonderful family memory! It is so much fun having a married brother and sister and I'm so grateful that I love their spouses! We had such a great time and it was a great way to kick off the summer!

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About Me

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I am a sinner saved by grace and I married my best friend, Jake, in May 2005! God has blessed us with three adorable little girls that we get to raise together in a beautiful home in the most charming neighborhood in America! They are a joy to raise and continually make us aware of our need for a Savior! We are thankful the Lord did not leave us in our sin, but sent His Son Jesus to die in our place, bearing the just wrath of God that we deserved, and giving to us Christ's righteousness instead. Through His grace and forgiveness, we now are free to love Him who saved us and to extend the mercy we've been shown to each other. We pray our little ones will come to know Christ and that we will be faithful to proclaim the good news of Jesus to them not only with our words, but with our actions and our interactions with each other. So please enjoy reading about the Moon family, we're so glad you stopped by!