Our wonderful Aunt Anne sent us beautiful outfits for all three of the girls! I love the bright colors she picked! They look so nice on the girls beautiful summer tan! Lucy was asleep (as usual) when I took these, but they turned out so cute, I had to put them up! I know it's been a while... but seriously, nothing gets done around here anymore!!
Hey Kenzie, can you smile for the camera??
My silly girls!! Love them both!! They do an excellent job with Lucy, helpful wouldn't be the word I'd choose, but loving and kind would be! I know the day will be here soon when they can all do their own hair and put on their own shoes, but I'm trying not to rush through these days of "Hey Mom, come watch me be a butterfly" and "When I grow up I think I'll be a unicorn!" and "Do you want to see... (insert everything from 'me jump off the coffee table' to 'all the popcorn we just dumped on the floor?'") I've never been so physically exhausted, I can't keep my eyes open long enough to finish one of the books we just checked out of the library. But can you think of any better reason to be exhausted??
I am a sinner saved by grace and I married my best friend, Jake, in May 2005! God has blessed us with three adorable little girls that we get to raise together in a beautiful home in the most charming neighborhood in America! They are a joy to raise and continually make us aware of our need for a Savior! We are thankful the Lord did not leave us in our sin, but sent His Son Jesus to die in our place, bearing the just wrath of God that we deserved, and giving to us Christ's righteousness instead. Through His grace and forgiveness, we now are free to love Him who saved us and to extend the mercy we've been shown to each other. We pray our little ones will come to know Christ and that we will be faithful to proclaim the good news of Jesus to them not only with our words, but with our actions and our interactions with each other. So please enjoy reading about the Moon family, we're so glad you stopped by!
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