Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Busy-ness of Summer

We had the privilege of watching two "big girls" while their families went to youth camp. We really enjoyed having these girls stay with us. They were a huge help to me and played so nicely with my girls. The first night we let Kenzie join their sleep over... a bit of a disaster, but doesn't she look so cute thinking she's one of the "big girls" even though she is still sleeping in the pack and play??

The bugs love Aubrey and chomp on her even with bug spray on! Poor thing got so swollen up the other day that she looked like and Avatar!

Not to be forgotten... Kenzie needed a picture taken too...

Oh, and one with a "mad face"... (seems like we've been seeing this face a lot as of late!)

Last week Jake went hiking with my dad, brother, poppop, uncles, and cousins... it was a manly bonding trip out west and they hiked for 5 days and 4 nights but were gone for 8 days and 7 nights... killer! Anyway... we tried to keep busy while daddy was gone and going to the boardwalk with Memom and "Miss Brit-tan-y" one night was fun!

My mom only got on this ride because I convinced her that the balloons only spin if you make them spin...

... then I got a mean idea...

We were cracking up and she was begging me to stop... I love seeing my mom laugh like this!

Glad to have Jake back... it was a LONG week and our family is still recovering! Just wanted to post some pics because it's been a while!

1 comment:

  1. Julie,
    I love the pic of Kenzie in the pack and play, she was so excited to be a part of the sleepover! So glad you have your husband back home!


About Me

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I am a sinner saved by grace and I married my best friend, Jake, in May 2005! God has blessed us with three adorable little girls that we get to raise together in a beautiful home in the most charming neighborhood in America! They are a joy to raise and continually make us aware of our need for a Savior! We are thankful the Lord did not leave us in our sin, but sent His Son Jesus to die in our place, bearing the just wrath of God that we deserved, and giving to us Christ's righteousness instead. Through His grace and forgiveness, we now are free to love Him who saved us and to extend the mercy we've been shown to each other. We pray our little ones will come to know Christ and that we will be faithful to proclaim the good news of Jesus to them not only with our words, but with our actions and our interactions with each other. So please enjoy reading about the Moon family, we're so glad you stopped by!