Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mud Puddle Baths

I have to add a few recent Mackenzie quotes (for everyone who has told me to "write these down!" I have! I have an ever growing journal full of Mackenzisms!):

Mackenzie playing "Big Bad Wolf" with me: "Oh No! The Big Bad Wolf has to go potty!"

"We are having 'Susana' for dinna!" (lasagna for dinner)

"It's mine because it's mine!"

"I can't find my book!" "Where did you have it last?" "In my hand!"

"I need my 'pirate-seat'!" (privacy... but she doesn't even know what it means yet, she just knows I say this when I go to the bathroom... not like I ever get it!)

"Can I touch the 'tinkerbell'?" (the doorbell)

At dinner: "Can we talk about my day now?"

"God told me I can have juice!"

"I'm really blooding!" (little bit of red on her knee)

"My toothpaste has Florida in it!" (flouride)

"Will the 'library-aunt' be sad?" ("librarian"... one of the movies we borrowed was broken)

I love life with a two-year-old! Especially THIS two-year-old! Whenever we get a moment alone when Aubrey is asleep she says, "You wanna do something special with me?" Right now those special things involve anything with letters... I know some day spending special time with Mommy won't include anything academic, but right now she is absorbing every little thing I can teach her and recognizes 20 letters out of the upper case alphabet!

And I love life with a one-year-old! Especially THIS one-year-old! When we get moments alone together there is lots of snuggling. Aubrey is so affectionate! And then we play with her baby dolls. She is very nurturing and loves to hug and hold and feed her babies. Her favorite baby has been affectionately named, "Hairy" because of the tuft of hair on the top of her worn little head. She also loves her pink "Silky"... and will giggle with delight whenever she sees this favorite blanket! I didn't know that a baby could actually want to go to bed, but if silky is in there, Aubrey begs to go in and will go to sleep without one fuss!

Love these little women!! Feel so privileged to be their Mama!

1 comment:

  1. So glad Sam's future wife is so nurturing and cuddly. :- ) Tks for sharing your grateful heart--your little girls are so fun!


About Me

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I am a sinner saved by grace and I married my best friend, Jake, in May 2005! God has blessed us with three adorable little girls that we get to raise together in a beautiful home in the most charming neighborhood in America! They are a joy to raise and continually make us aware of our need for a Savior! We are thankful the Lord did not leave us in our sin, but sent His Son Jesus to die in our place, bearing the just wrath of God that we deserved, and giving to us Christ's righteousness instead. Through His grace and forgiveness, we now are free to love Him who saved us and to extend the mercy we've been shown to each other. We pray our little ones will come to know Christ and that we will be faithful to proclaim the good news of Jesus to them not only with our words, but with our actions and our interactions with each other. So please enjoy reading about the Moon family, we're so glad you stopped by!